Traphezoidal rules code implementation in Matlab- Dynamic parts
Find the integral for the above function get upper limit and lower limit from user--f = @ (x) 0.2 + 25*x - 200*(x^2) + 675*(x^3) -900*(x^4) + 400*(x^5);
In this problem, you can take divide the polynomial in mutiple parts. In this solution, this upto in 10 parts in array. You can do it more as your need.
f = @ (x) 0.2 + 25*x - 200*(x^2) + 675*(x^3) -900*(x^4) + 400*(x^5); n = input('Enter how many parts do you want? : '); a = input('Enter lower limit : '); b = input('Enter Upper Limit : '); part = (b - a)/n; array = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]; if(n == 2) array(1) = a; array(2) = b; else for i=1:n if(i == 1) array(i) = a; else array(i) = array(i-1) + part; end; end; end; result = 0; for i=1:n+1 x = i-1; if(x==0 || x == n) result = result + feval(f,array(i)); end if(x~=0 || x~=n) result = result + 2*feval(f,array(i)); end end I = (result / 2*n) * (b - a); fprintf('Integral is = %f\n', I); exact_integral = 1.640533; E = abs((exact_integral - I)/exact_integral) * 100; fprintf('\nTrue Error = %f\n', E);
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