Bisection Code implementation in Matlab
Find the root of the following function using bisection method where user ca take upper, lower limit and exact integral from user. Function is x^2 - 3;You can use any function here..
f = @(x) x^2 - 3; l = input('Enter Lower Limit : '); u = input('Enter Upper Limit : '); prev_approximation = 0; root = (l + u)/2; f_root = feval(f, root); given_absoulte_error = input('Enter absolute error : '); absolute_error = abs((root - prev_approximation) / root) * 100; disp(absolute_error); fprintf('\nStep a\tb\tf(a)\tf(b)\troot\tError_abs\n'); while(absolute_error > given_absoulte_error) f_root = feval(f, root); f_l = feval(f, l); f_u = feval(f, u); if(f_l * f_root > 0) l = root; else u = root; end; root = (l + u)/2; absolute_error = abs((root - prev_approximation) / root) * 100; prev_approximation = root; fprintf('Step %f Error %f\n', root, absolute_error); fprintf('\nStep a\tb\tf(a)\tf(b)\troot\tError_abs\n'); end; disp('-------------------------------'); fprintf('Final Root = %f and absolute error = %f', root, absolute_error);
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