/** @author: Maniruzzaman Akash @time: June 2016 **/ #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #define MAX 100 struct stack{ int data[MAX]; int top; }; typedef struct stack Stack; Stack s; //Functions void push(int value); int pop(); void display(); int getCount(); //main() method starts here int main( ){ int chose, pushValue; s.top = -1; printf("\n\t\t\tStack\t\t\t\n\t\t---------------------\t\t\t"); printf("\n\t\tPress 1 for Push a value\n\t\tPress 2 for pop a value\n\t\tPress 3 for displaying total values\n\t\tPress 4 for total size\n\t\tPress 0 to exit"); printf("\n-----------------------------------------------------\n"); while(1){ printf("Enter your option : "); scanf("%d", &chose); switch(chose){ case 1: printf("Enter a value to push in the stack : "); scanf("%d", &pushValue); push(pushValue); break; case 2: pop(); break; case 3: display(); break; case 4: printf("The total element in the stack is : "); getCount(); break; case 0: printf("Program exited successfully\n\n"); return 0 ; break; default: printf("Please chose a value from given option\n"); } } } //Functions void push(int value){ if(s.top == (MAX -1)){ printf("Sorry stack is full\n"); }else{ s.top++; s.data[s.top] = value; printf("\tValue inserted successfully\n"); } } int pop(){ int popValue, i; if(s.top == -1){ printf("Their is no value to pop\n"); }else{ popValue = s.data[s.top]; printf("The element %d is popped from the stack successfully\n", popValue); s.top--; return popValue; } } void display(){ int printvalue, i; if(s.top == -1){ printf("Sorry stack is empty\n"); }else{ printf("The total stack is : "); for(i = 0; i <= s.top; i++){ printvalue = s.data[i]; printf("%d\t", printvalue); } } printf("\n"); } int getCount(){ int count = 0, i; for(i = s.top; i >=0; i--){ s.data[i]; count++; } printf("%d\n", count); return count; }
Code demonstration:
To start to stack please read about stack first and then come here to understand the code.Learn about Stack fully.
Stack is mainly the push and pop function.
In push function:
if(s.top == (MAX -1)){ printf("Sorry stack is full\n"); }else{ s.top++; s.data[s.top] = value; printf("\tValue inserted successfully\n"); }If top value of stack is over the stack size than give an alert that stack is full. Otherwise just
s.top++; s.data[s.top] = value;Make top++ and then set the top data as our push's value. This is the simple push function.
In pop function:
int popValue, i; if(s.top == -1){ printf("Their is no value to pop\n"); }else{ popValue = s.data[s.top]; printf("The element %d is popped from the stack successfully\n", popValue); s.top--; return popValue; }If top value postition is not minimum 0 then make an alert than stack is fully empty no value can be popped from the stack.
Otherwise, make
s.top--;Top--, that means remove the top value from the stack. and this function will return the pop value.
In display function:
int printvalue, i; if(s.top == -1){ printf("Sorry stack is empty\n"); }else{ printf("The total stack is : "); for(i = 0; i <= s.top; i++){ printvalue = s.data[i]; printf("%d\t", printvalue); } } printf("\n");If top value position is not minimum 0 then give an alert that stack is empty otherwise, run a for loop upto the top position from beginnings and prin the data of that position.
printvalue = s.data[i];
Count stack size function:
int getCount(){ int count = 0, i; for(i = s.top; i >=0; i--){ s.data[i]; count++; } printf("%d\n", count); return count; }
This is same as display function and for this if enter into loop then add increment the count variable and finally return the count variable.
[Note: This is all about my code, Don't copy pest these codes to other sites but you can use it in your academic life.]
You face any problem further in stack then comment please.
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