Ok let's the previous code:
<html> <head> <title>Welcome To Our Second Lecture</title> </head> <body> <h1>Welcome To Our Second Lecture</h1><hr /> <p>This is our journey to study of web programming and it's code basic - HTML</p> </body> </html>
Now start-
In our code, we've started our code writing the tag <html> and also look that we've finished the code writing </html>. Ok that means, in HTML if we want to write any document, we have to start the document <html> tag and finish it </html> tag.
And look at the tag writing rules. In HTML, all of the tags in any web browser we've seen these all are tags tags. And there are two types of tags.
1) A tag which start <tag_name> and finish </tag_name>
2) Some tags has no need to end that tag. Like in HTML, img is a tag and we use it like this <img src="slide.jpg" />
We'll learn one by one about all of the tags of HTML. Don't worry.
And in 2nd to 4th line our code is-
<head> <title>Welcome To Our Second Lecture</title> </head>So, its all about <head> </head> tag. So what is head tag in HTML and why we use it : HTML head tag is a tag where we write our all HTML linking of css files, our page or site title and sometimes our JavaScript files too. Look that inside the head tag we have wrote a tag called <title> </title>. It is a simple tag which gives us the page title when we load our page in browser. View the image's application of html title tag.
Look in the browser tab get a title called HTML - Lecture 3- Understanding....., It is the work of title tag. I think you can guess that. We can also store some CSS files in this header tag like this-
<head> <title>Welcome To Our Second Lecture</title>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="main.css" />
Next from 5th to 8th line is-
<body> <h1>Welcome To Our Second Lecture</h1><hr /> <p>This is our journey to study of web programming and it's code basic - HTML</p> </body>
In this place between body tag it is very important to write all of our context in <body></body> tag. If we write any code which we want to show in browser, we have to write the code inside the <body> tag.
And inside body tag we have write a two tags. Look they are <h1></h1> and <p></p>We will learn about those tags in our next lecture, but now just know that <h1></h1> is a header tag that means it's text something more different from ordinary paragraph lag. And the second <p></p> tag is for paragraph tag. Run the code and look in the browser that one <h1> or header tag is bigger than paragraph tag.
Our lecture is finish for today and wait for our next lecture.
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